Regional Trails Strategy 

Funding Required: $30 million over four years

Funding Purpose: Upgrade of existing trails, new infrastructure and visitor amenities, project management, event and tourism marketing

Funding to Date:

2019 Federal Election

Dwellingup Trails $3.465 million

2021 State Election $6.74 million

Dwellingup Gap $2.7m

Jarrahdale Trail Head $40,000

Peel-Yalgorup Trails $3.2m

Waroona $800,000

2022 Federal Election

$8 million commitment from Labor Party

The Peel Regional Trails project aims to position the Peel as a key regional trails hub linking trails to Collie in the south and Perth Hills to the north. Capitalising on its iconic landscapes and variety of trails from scarp to coast, Peel regional trails will attract tourism and adventure visitors for a number of days, either through a day visit, short break or extended holidays. Visitors will be able to enjoy the full range of quality trails including mountain biking, hiking, running, bush-walking canoeing and 4wding, as well as linking up the heritage Hotham Valley Railway, unique to Peel.

The Peel Regional Trails Strategy 2019 (Strategy) was developed to guide future strategic investment in trails recreation, tourism and event development across the Peel region. The Strategy is comprehensive and was developed over a 12 month period, encompassing an audit of the full breadth of current trails and their condition, and a public user survey to assess market motivators and needs.