Peel Alliance (formerly Peel Regional Leaders Forum) has undertaken a successful lobbying campaign for funding of key projects in the Peel region during the 2019 federal election, resulting in $316 million of commitments.

Peel Alliance is the peak leadership body of the Peel region, comprising membership from the region’s five Councils, Regional Development Australia Peel, the Peel-Harvey Catchment Council and the Peel Community Development Group. The members worked collaboratively to produce the document ‘Future Peel’, outlining their key projects and initiatives across the region and seeking Federal support. Click here to view the Future Peel publication.

As a result of this collaboration and lobbying of Federal and State representatives, the following projects received commitments from the re-elected Liberal Party:

  • Tonkin Highway Extension – $151m
  • Pinjarra Heavy Haulage Deviation – $22m
  • Peel Agri-Business Innovation Precinct Park – $21.75m
  • Dwellingup National Trails Development Project – $3.465m
  • Mandurah Waterfront Project – $7m 

The Labor Party had also pledged to fund:

  • Mandurah Culinary School – $5m  
  • Healthy Waterways Infrastructure Fund – $3m  

In total, $205 million in funding has been committed by the Federal government, with a further $111.5 million co-funding confirmed by the State government to enable these projects to be delivered.