Equine Industry

Peel Alliance seeks recognition of its equine industry at state and regional decision making levels, and supports the initiatives of the five local governments to ensure sustainability and maximise growth opportunities through:
- Approval of the draft Southern Palusplain Strategy and equine related development opportunities;
- Approval of the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale Local Planning Strategy
- References in local planning policies and strategies that highlight the importance of the equine sector in the Peel region to the economic and social fabric of the region;
- Relaxation of current requirements by the local authorities in Peel that may inhibit the development of training tracks and other equestrian facilities;
- Additional subdivisions of suitable land between 4ha and 10ha for equine uses, with such areas identified through appropriate strategic instruments (Local Planning Strategies) as Rural Small Holdings (Residential and Stables Overlay). Importantly, this will be carefully planned to avoid ad hoc fragmentation of rural land;
- Requiring management plans with subdivision applications for equine purposes to ensure that equine management is carried out in a sustainable way and does not affect the environment, especially groundwater and nutrient export;
- Further development of bridle trails through subdivision applications to enable movement corridors for the current and future equestrian activities;
- The development of facilities in existing equestrian areas to enhance the resilience of existing and new users:
- Extending the current facilities at the Murray Regional Equestrian Centre;
- Advocate for the State Government to partner with Serpentine Jarrahdale to develop a detailed business case to relocate the State Equestrian Centre to the Shire;
- Investment of funds from the sale of TAB into further development and expansion of Pinjarra Harness Racing Club and Pinjarra Park
The Peel region is host to an enthusiastic and vibrant equine industry, contributing $176 million annually to the economy and over 1,500 jobs. It is expected to play an increasingly significant role in Peel’s economy with a projected annual growth of 325 horses, $2.6 million and 18 jobs.
The region accommodates:
- over 20,000 horses
- 250+ local businesses
- approximately 6.3% of households in Peel own horses, with an estimated increase to 18,000 households by 2050
- 70+ facilities supporting racing, pacing, riding schools, horse and pony clubs, polocrosse, eventing, dressage, campdrafting, cutting, leisure and breeding.
It is important that we plan for its sustainable growth through the provision of appropriate land and facilities, management of the environment, and industry support.
For more information about the equine industry in Peel and our vision check out:
Peel – Heart of the Equine Industry Overview
Peel Equine Strategy – Peel Development Commission
Competitive and Comparative Analysis of Equine Regions in WA
Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale Equine Strategy