About Peel Alliance

Collaborating for a thriving region
In 2010, elected and appointed leaders of key organisations and Local Governments from across the Peel came together in recognition that Mandurah and the wider Peel Region had been experiencing unprecedented growth, but this was not being matched by economic outcomes, nor was it being matched by State and Federal Government infrastructure and service provision funding.
From 2010 until 2018, this collaborative effort was known as Peel Regional Leaders Forum (PRLF). In 2018, a review of operations saw PRLF recognise its shortcomings and develop a bold new model based on the three important pillars of our region’s future: economic development, community and social services, and the environment. To reflect its bold new approach to delivering solutions for the Region, PRLF also reviewed its name and branding, and is now proudly known as Peel Alliance.
Peel Alliance comprises the five Peel Region councils of Mandurah, Murray, Serpentine Jarrahdale, Waroona and Boddington, together with Regional Development Australia (RDA) Peel, the Peel-Harvey Catchment Council (PHCC) and the Peel Community Development Group (PCDG). The Peel Development Commission (PDC) fully supports Peel Alliance and its strategic priorities plan.
The Alliance is based on identifying the issues that are a threat to the Peel’s regional status and identity, recognising that the organisation must show leadership on these issues and bring the community together to work collaboratively for the Peel’s future.
Under the new pillar-based model, organisations from each of the areas are brought together to discuss their plans, initiatives and projects, and develop them further. The opportunity to collaborate with like-minded organisations and have their proposals considered and prioritised is critical to developing the region into the future.
The main roles of Peel Alliance are to:
Advocate for priority initiatives and projects
Advocate for the resolution of regional issues
Support other initiatives and projects that benefit the region
Peel Alliance is guided by three pillars:




Future Peel Publication
Peel Alliance have developed a document that outlines our 2020 state funding requests to support the priorities of the Peel region.
If you would like a printed copy please email anika@peelalliance.org.au