Project Proposals

Do you have a project that addresses a significant local or regional issue?
Any registered associated incorporation can submit a project for consideration in Peel Alliance’s Future Peel documentation and advocacy.
If your project adds economic, social or environmental value to the region please get in contact with the Peel Alliance Executive Officer and submit your project with the following points:
- Details of the issues being addressed, including reference to the relevant Community Strategic Plan (for local projects) and/or relevant regional plans (for regional projects); and
- Details of how the project will address the issue, including detailed outcomes and outputs of the project; and
- A detailed business plan showing how the project will become self-sustaining in the short term; and
- A detailed funding plan showing funding sources relevant to the project; and contact details of the proposer.

Future Peel Publication
Peel Alliance have developed a document that outlines our 2025 State and Federal election requests to support the priorities of the Peel region.
If you would like a printed copy please email