Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale – Hypergrowth Road Upgrades

Funding Required: $41.1 million
Funding Purpose: Urgently action upgrades and improvements to the Shire’s road network.
Contact: Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale ~ Paul Martin
Tremendous pressure will be exerted on local roads due to works on the 14km Tonkin Highway extension, from Thomas Road to South Western Highway, and the subsequent increase in traffic.
The Tonkin Highway extension project will take about three years to complete, with a joint Federal and Western Australian Government funding commitment of more than $1b.
These factors, along with the anticipated Shire population growth of 96% from 2021 to 2036, mean that the Shire’s roads connecting to the Tonkin Highway are in dire need of an upgrade to improve road safety.