Murray Health Futures

Funding Required: $50 million
Funding Purpose: A health hub is proposed to address the higher than average health issues facing the Murray and surrounding communities by providing access to preventative health care and community-based services. 37% of Murray residents have a long-term health issue compared to just 30% in Perth.
The Shire of Murray established a Steering Committee to undertake a health and social needs analysis and identify a long-term solution to health care service provision in Murray. The Committee has completed a thorough Health and Social Needs Analysis, including extensive community consultation.
The 62-page report was the culmination of significant research that provides independent, robust data about current and future needs for health services in Murray. The analysis shows the best solution for the community is a ‘Health Hub’ of allied services.
Health care delivered locally is more accessible, less stressful, cheaper for the patient and helps build a stronger community. It ensures that future generations also have positive experiences and healthier and happier lives as a result.
Contact: Shire of Murray – Dean Unsworth