Peel Regional Water Supply Initiative

Peel Alliance has collaborated with key stakeholders and agencies to articulate the water supply challenges facing the Peel region to 2050 across the key pillars of community, economy and environment.
Peel Alliance recognises the sustainable supply of water to the region is a critical risk to its aspirations for a sustainable and resilient community, economy and environment.
Currently accessible water is a finite resource that is being increasingly impacted by climate change. With a rapidly increasing population requiring public open space, schools and recreation areas; existing and future agriculture, industry and mining; and the needs of our precious waterways and wetlands, we need to understand how to sustain this resource.
The Alliance worked with key stakeholders, agencies and consultants to articulate the water supply and demand challenges facing the Peel region to 2050 across the following investigation areas:
- Community (residential growth, potable water and community spaces)
- Agriculture
- Industry
- Environment
- Water source options
Our findings are presented both by Local Government Area and use, allowing us to understand where and when key changes and pressure points will occur (or are already occurring).